fighting with technology : (

Try Vellum for formatting they said, it’s easy they said… The ease of online software is only as effective as the smarts of the user! Now, I am capable of great things-I teach middle schoolers for a living but this-THIS!?! I need more coffee, anyone have any book covers they want me to approve? Happy Monday dear ones!

All my best~ Penelope

Today, I wait.

I am sitting in my kitchen or rather at my kitchen table waiting, waiting on book covers to come back completed, waiting on editors to polish my words and mostly waiting to see if this book will mean anything to anyone but me. I am terrified and mind boggling excited all in the same breath. I wonder if it is like this for all writers and know that there is no way to tell as this is my first time writing/waiting. So, I will try to enjoy the wait. Someone famous said there is magic in the waiting and I have been a fan of magic from way back in the beginning. If you are waiting too, on life, on love on answers, on pop tarts-settle in and and get comfortable. There may be a rabbit coming out of that hat!

All my best ~Penelope