TWO days of summer vacation left…

Well, its here-the 2020-2021 school year. My dreams of finishing the first book in the Red Rock Redemption series came true, minus a beta read or editing. But, the show must go on. Once I’m back with my students, time is a luxury I rarely get. However, I am committed to bringing this story to you, readers! The cast of new characters have grown in my heart and I think you will be smitten, as well.

I made the hard decision to pull The Truth Turned Upside Down (full length ebook version) from Smashwords, Kobe and Barnes and Noble. I plan to release it on Amazon soon, along with the audiobook version. This book is my baby and mama tears up with each new milestone.

An interesting thing happened recently, I sent out a short story ( one chapter to be exact) to my email list, featuring Cooper and Eli from The Truth Turned Upside Down. The feedback I received was positive. Lots of subscribers dowloaded the content and a few even emailed me wanting to know more about Lucy and Finn’s life with the kids. I’m planning to write more, possibly an entire book as a sequel to The Truth Turned Upside Down. Join my mailing list to receive each new chapter, I’d love you to take this journey with me!

All my best~ Penelope

Back to School 2020

In real life, I’m a teacher and today, I officially have less than two weeks until my first day of the 2020-2021 school year. Yes, I’m a bit uncertain, hopeful and…curious. My classroom has 9 large tables at which I typically seat 3-4 students. That’s not gonna work per the CDC, will any of it work? I know we as a nation, are all asking ourselves that right now. So…I thought I would write a short story about Cooper and Eli ( short for Elizabeth) heading off to school this fall. If you are not aware, these are characters from The Truth Turned Upside Down series. There ARE SPOILERS in this short chapter, but if you like it, maybe you will want to know more. I hope you all are doing well and realize, whatever choices you make for your family, they are the right ones. You are not alone in this, dear readers, I see you!

All my best~ Penelope

Sorry I went quiet…

So how is everyone doing post 4th of July? Still the weirdest summer of my life-thanks COVID19! I have been working on producing the audiobook for The Truth Turned Upside Down with a wonderful narrator-Kathleen Li. If you missed her voiceover sample please drop back to my post from June 19th-its awesome. When will the audiobook be released? To quote Amazon… in about 30 business days from July 8th. I’ll let you know!

I have also been working on new covers (again) I mean the last set, (I made), and they look like duck faces. I think these covers are here to stay….I really appreciate my grass root followers as I know your time is precious and following a new author is risky, but possibly -entertaining as well. I have my fingers in about 100 pots right now and although it’s exhausting, I am excited every day to take this journey with you.

I loaded up the ebook version of The Truth Turned Upside Down to Smashwords today, so it’s currently available for $4.97. Hopefully soon, it will also be available on Nook Press, Kobo and Apple Books. The link to buy it on Smashwords is posted on the right hand side of my blog. However, I am running a FREE promotion on Amazon Wednesday for the first book in the print novel -The Truth Lucy Saw. Just to clarify, The Truth Turned Upside Down is a collection of three books. You have choices people! Ok, enough rambling….I hope this week treats you well, masks on and Godspeed!

All my best ~Penelope