TWO days of summer vacation left…

Well, its here-the 2020-2021 school year. My dreams of finishing the first book in the Red Rock Redemption series came true, minus a beta read or editing. But, the show must go on. Once I’m back with my students, time is a luxury I rarely get. However, I am committed to bringing this story to you, readers! The cast of new characters have grown in my heart and I think you will be smitten, as well.

I made the hard decision to pull The Truth Turned Upside Down (full length ebook version) from Smashwords, Kobe and Barnes and Noble. I plan to release it on Amazon soon, along with the audiobook version. This book is my baby and mama tears up with each new milestone.

An interesting thing happened recently, I sent out a short story ( one chapter to be exact) to my email list, featuring Cooper and Eli from The Truth Turned Upside Down. The feedback I received was positive. Lots of subscribers dowloaded the content and a few even emailed me wanting to know more about Lucy and Finn’s life with the kids. I’m planning to write more, possibly an entire book as a sequel to The Truth Turned Upside Down. Join my mailing list to receive each new chapter, I’d love you to take this journey with me!

All my best~ Penelope