Lucky I can always learn new tricks….

As the month of March looms ahead of us, I am happy to report spring or Indian spring has arrived in Alabama. I spent the weekend listening to podcasts from a Get Published author’s summit and have lots of new ideas buzzing about in my noggin. I also want to screen in my back porch, rip out the carpet in my master bedroom closet (new puppy potty problems) and spend more time on my Peloton. So, I will just clone myself I guess… or see how it all shakes out. Honestly, I’m happy to have so many things to think about and plan for. The alternative might not be as fun. I’ve posted new content now for a third week in a row and that makes me happy. I am always thinking of you, my readers, my followers and wondering what your lives are like. On a side note, I finished The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley. It was amazing, I totally recommend. The ending was unexpected and I’ve googled about it to get other’s perspectives. If you happen to read, please leave me a comment letting me know what you thought. Enjoy the first day of Lucky March, everyone!

All my best ~Penelope