Social Distancing, I mean Social Media….

Ok, so I am unsure if its just me, but are any writers naturally good on social media? I’m like a fish out of water on there guys! I created my Twitter account last summer and gained a whopping 51 followers in a year! This is not too bad considering I did NOTHING on that account for almost 9 months. I know how this social media game works, I ran an Etsy shop for 4 years in a previous lifetime, but somehow it still does not make it less cringey. Don’t get me wrong I loved interacting with my Etsy customers but writing a book is different. A book is like a piece of me out there and I am supposed to get people to want to engage with ME! Thats a bit scary, ok its terrifying …….

I now have a facebook page too and have spent hours scrolling through and joining different author and especially indie author groups. It’s a vast ocean of people and resources and I feel like a toddler in floaties trying to stay close to the ladder. I know all authors must go through this-these growing pains but I still would prefer to not feel clueless and lost in space for the time being. This too shall pass, I hope! I hope you are well -I’m in my pajama bottoms trying to navigate Library Thing! Cheers!

All my best ~ Penelope